Um desenho em preto e branco de duas pessoas cumprimentando uma à outra.

We do business by building long-term partnership relationships.

Get to know a little more about our history and our culture.

Um homem está sentado em uma cadeira conversando com outras duas pessoas em uma videochamada.

Our "brief" history of more than

3 decades.

CSP Tech was founded in 1988 to meet the technology demand of a beverage multinational. After our first successful partnership, the projects followed one another and CSP Tech gradually took shape.

In 1999, we started our oldest relationship, which continues to this day. Ipiranga, two decades later, continues to count on us as a digital transformation partner.

Today, CSP Tech is a partner in the digital transformation of large companies, from the conception and definition of technology objectives, through the organization, selection of tooling, work methodology, to the approval, production and support of applications.

We are not just executors, we think together and show customers the best paths to be taken. We cherish trust and long term relationships.


years of history


projects carried out





years of history



carried out


great clients

4 Pillars of

CSP Tech Culture

Values we practice inside and outside the company on a daily basis.

Ícone de uma pessoa com um coração

We promote transparent relationships

Both in customer and internal relationships with employees, we are transparent.

Ícone de um gráfico em colunas

The customer result is also our result

We see customers as partners, and we like lasting relationships, in which we share responsibility.

Ícone de um relógio

We deliver value.


Our culture is agile and we focus on delivering the most value in the shortest possible time.

Ícone de uma mão fazendo joinha

More than serving, we like to delight our customers

Qualified professionals who seek to reach enchantment.

Who is behind CSP?

Our C-level team is responsible for the strategic guidelines of the CSP Group.

Um homem de terno e gravata está sorrindo para a câmera

Nedio Lemos

Chief Executive Officer

Um homem com barba está vestindo terno e sorrindo

João Pedro Lemos

Chief Marketing Officer

Um homem de camisa cinza está sorrindo para a câmera

André Silva

Chief Growth Officer

Um homem de terno e camisa azul sorri para a câmera

Mateus Neto

Head of Sales

Um homem com barba e camisa azul está sorrindo

Igor Martins

Chief Analytics Officer

Um homem de óculos e terno está sorrindo em círculo.

Pedro Gomes

Chief Digital Officer

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